Sales As A Service

We help you finding more oportunities and closing deals for your company
by identifying potential customers, engaging, scheduling meetings, and closing deals with our Sales Development Service.


More Leads, More Sales, More Revenue

Scale your business, engage with Qualified Leads and close more Deals.


How it Works

Access 600MM+ contacts, target campaigns, design strategies, execute outbound campaigns, and connect with potential customers in sales meetings. Let us handle lead generation while you focus on closing deals and driving business growth.

This Is Our Process:


Teamwork is Key

Harness the collaborative power of our specialized team of Sales Development Representatives (SDRs). Each member dedicated to a specific process, ensuring a seamless and efficient lead generation journey. Together, we deliver targeted campaigns, connect with prospects, and orchestrate valuable sales meetings. Benefit from our collective expertise as we work harmoniously towards your sales success.

We believe that finding the best candidate takes an utmost screening process, and you can be ensured that once a new hire comes through your doors to begin their assignment, they carry our seal of approval.


VES Sales

Powerful Tools for your Sales Success


Share your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
with us, and we will Handle the Rest

Email Marketing

Sending Mass Email Campaigns
has Never been Easier

Outreach Calls

Yor Reliable Solution for Reaching Out to Potential Clients with Ease and Efficency

Dedicater SDRs

With Our Experienced Sales Develpment Representatives (SDRs),
your Sales Team can Focus on Closing Deals


Need more info?

Don’t hesitate to schedule a meeting with our Account Managers
for recruiting top talent

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We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our services.

Virtual Employee Services (USA)

Virtual Employee Services (COL)

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CALL: +1 (305) 509 8432
