Global IT Staff

Boost your projects with the best IT talent that meets all your requirements.
Dedicated Teams, Full-Cycle Development, Senior Developers


Business Models

We help you design and develop sustainable business models
that thrives on efficiency, resilience, and adaptability


IT recruitment
and staffing solutions

Our Technical Staffing Services encompass specialized recruitment and staffing solutions, recruitment of contract or permanent resources, and IT staff outsourcing for augmenting in-house teams.

Experience innovation with our wide range of services and solutions built with a relentless focus on compelling customer experience. From DevOps to making smart data-driven decisions, we’ve got it all covered for you under one roof.


Top 1%
of IT Talent

At VES we only work with the Top 1% of IT Talent to provide the speed and flexibility your business needs to scale quickly and build tech-driven competitive advantages.

Our Engineers are from all over the world and also provide a large cost savings to our clients. Our IT staff works hand-in-hand with your in-house team by participating in daily meetings and reporting directly to your management area. From simple prototypes to full-scale enterprise software, we have a custom-built solution for you.


A perfect
team for your

Our Extended Team works as part of your local team, attending your regular daily meetings and reporting directly to your managers, proving to be a real competitive advantage for your business.

Our IT staffing services are available for every type of project. No matter how simple or complex: from prototyping to full-scale development of desktop, mobile or web applications, testing and systems management.



VES Staffing services are a proven, reliable, and cost-effective way for our clients to increase the size, productivity, & cost effectiveness of their internal development teams with minimal time.


Our Reach

Our Engineers are the best option to rapidly build up a conveniently located, highly qualified, creative, and experienced team; which are composed of the Top 1% of Tech Professionals within any country you choose.

Get the Best Tech Talent

and boost your projects

Need more info?

Don’t hesitate to schedule a meeting with us

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We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our services.

Virtual Employee Services (USA)

Virtual Employee Services (COL)

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